Evans Intensive English Centre

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9622 1289


IEC Microsoft Teams Classes

MS Teams Lesson Guidelines- Turn cameras off, blur background, dress appropriately, do not record, don't bring family members

Message from the Deputy Principal, Mee Lin Liau

Evans Intensive English Centre


Thank you to parents, guardians and students for adhering to NSW Health advice on staying home and engaging with remote learning. With the COVID-19 restrictions for Level 4 plus schools where Evans IEC situate, we are starting on virtual teaching via Microsoft Teams classes on Wednesday 25th August 2021.


The attached MS TEAMs Class Timetable will indicate the times students will attend key learning area/subject lessons. Attendance will be marked by teachers-in-charge. The 20-minute duration on-the-screen classes is to reinforce Google Classroom teaching/learning resources that will continue to be uploaded as long as learning-from-home continues.


From the week starting 16 August 2021, Evans High School and IEC implemented the 4-school day learning (Monday to Thursday) with Friday as Feel Good Wellbeing Day to support students and staff. Students could join staff with online fun activities in three sessions: 11 a.m., 12 noon and 1 p.m., grouped according to age appropriateness.


The IEC Tuesday Assembly will commence at 10:10 a.m. and finish at 10:30 a.m. from 24 August 2021. The staff of Evans IEC always look forward to making visual and audio connections with the students we teach and care for.


Please direct any inquiries you may have to evans-i.school@det.nsw.edu.au or call 02 9622 1289 or 02 9621 3622. The office reception will direct your queries to the relevant staff.


Take care and keep safe everyone.

MS Teams Timetable