Evans Intensive English Centre

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9622 1289



Students at Evans IEC participate in the Intensive English Programs developed by the NSW Department of Education.

Intensive English language programs are based on the Intensive English Programs (IEP) Curriculum Framework. The curriculum framework provides a text-based approach for explicitly teaching English through key learning/subject areas. High school subject areas are adapted for second language learners to prepare them for high school.

The IEP Curriculum Framework has four levels of intensive English language development.

Students with limited first language literacy skills start at Foundation Level. Beginning students with good first language literacy skills start at Level 1.

As the students' level of English language proficiency increases, the teaching concentrates more on academic concepts, vocabulary and skills required in preparation for high school.

TYPES OF TEXTS: Intensive English is a support document for the IEP Curriculum Framework providing explicit teaching and learning support across a range of text types including texts for visual and critical literacy.

The framework documents for each level can be accessed in the EAL/D NSW Statewide Staffroom in the Intensive English Centres channel (staff only).

At Evans IEC, English is taught through the following subjects:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Computing
  • Health
  • Physical Education