Evans Intensive English Centre

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9622 1289


About our school

Intensive English Centres (IECs) provide intensive English tuition to newly arrived, high school aged students whose first language is not English, including international students. In addition, the IECs provide orientation, settlement and wellbeing programs to prepare students for learning in a NSW government high school and to participate in Australian society.

Attached to Evans High School, the Centre provides high school preparation support for students from diverse language backgrounds. Intensive English is taught through key subject learning areas to develop students' English skills to a level that will allow them to enter high school and continue their general education and English language learning. Bilingual staff assist student learning and support communication with parents and caregivers. Most students study in the specialised learning environment of the Centre for approximately 30 to 40 weeks before transferring to a high school.

Evans Intensive English Centre is an annexe of Evans High School. It is part of the NSW secondary school system. It offers initial placement for non-English speaking migrants or refugees of secondary school age living in western and north western Sydney.

Students receive an intensive English program while studying most of the high school subjects including English, mathematics, science, history, geography, commerce, computing, art and personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE). The Centre also provides programs designed to assist the students to adjust to school and life in Australia.

After completing the intensive course, (a period ranging from 3 to 15 months), students are then enrolled in their local or preferred high school which offers continuing ESL support.

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