The Uniform Shop is open each school day before school and at recess.
Please view our prices and ordering form here. These prices may change without notice.
Students will be able to purchase uniforms in our new style from 2019. Students will still be able to wear older style uniforms until 2021. From 2022, all students must wear the new uniform style.
- Shirts honeydew shirt, blouse or polo with school crest white for seniors
- Blouses/polos long sleeves polos are available in some sizes or can be ordered
- Trousers: Bottle green: tailored shorts; tailored slacks; microfibre track –pants, stretch pants or Evans-design Tartan Skirt.
- Trousers, Shorts, Skirt, Microfibre Tracksuit Pants
- Girls stretch pants/shorts
Trousers, shorts, skirts
- Trousers
- Shorts
- Skirt
- Microfibre Tracksuit Pants
- Girls stretch pants/shorts
Warm clothing
- Bottle Green V-Neck Jumper ('Sloppy-Joe')
- Bottle Green Polar Fleece
- Evans Microfibre Jacket
- Evans Spray Jacket or Evans Blazer
- A microfibre Jacket and Microfibre Pants = Tracksuit.]
Seniors may wear white jumpers, but hooded Jumpers are not allowed. Any item of clothing such as scarves, a t-shirt or skivvy worn beneath the uniform must be plain white if visible at all.
- Polar Fleece
- Microfibre jacket
- Whole Tracksuit
- Spray Jacket
- Blazer
- White T Shirt
- Undershirt – may be worn beneath the uniform
Sports uniform
- Polos: yellow polo with school crest
- Shorts: green unisex sports short or school taslon track pants with yellow flash
- Track pants
- Note: These may only be worn for sport or physical education.
- School Tie: any students may purchase and wear the school tie.
- School Caps: if a hat is worn it must be bottle green without decoration/logo.
- School Beanie: plain bottle green without decoration
Other information
All-black shoes or trainer style shoes. These must also satisfy Department of Education regulations.
Socks/stockings must be worn.
- Socks: all-white or all-black (meaning no stripes/patterns)
- Stockings: plain & black or skin-toned. No Leggings.
Jewellery and makeup
- Simple jewellery
- Watch
- Plain ring
- Sleeper earnings or plain studs
- Fine neck chain
- Single bracelet
- Bangles.
Headwear, hijabs, scarves
- Plain bottle green school cap
- Bottle green school beanie
- White or bottle green scarves/hijabs (not striped)
- Hair band/slides should be bottle green, black or metallic.
Bandanas are not permitted.