Evans Intensive English Centre

CRICOS Provider: NSW Dept of Education 00588M

Telephone02 9622 1289


Tell Them From Me Parent Survey 2022

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This term, our school will be participating in the TELL THEM FROM ME Parent Survey.

To access the survey for our school, go to: http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/wk3fz

Feedback from parents and caregivers, teachers and students provide an accurate and complete picture of a school climate and culture. The survey can assist in strengthening parent, teacher and school collaboration by providing schools with a deeper understanding of parents’ perceptions of their child’s experiences at home and school. The survey includes the following topics:

⦁ Parents feel welcome
⦁ Parents are informed
⦁ Parents support learning at home
⦁ Parents’ participation at school
⦁ School support positive behaviour
⦁ Safety at school
⦁ Inclusion
⦁ School supports learning

We strongly encourage your participation to better inform school priorities.

The survey is conducted entirely online on mobile devices, tablets or computers. It will typically take 15 minutes to complete and is completely confidential. The parent survey will be conducted between Monday 5 September 2022 and Friday 4 November 2022. 

The survey is available in 23 languages.

More information about the survey is available at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/student-wellbeing/tell-them-from-me/about-tell-them-from-me-/parent-survey